Have you lost track of time lately? I know everybody has these moments, times when hours pass totally unnoticed, when you become so completely engrossed in what you are doing that everything else disappears... including worries about how your jeans fit or when you'll be able to get your next french fry fix.
A suggestion... take a few minutes to go back over the timeline of your life. Start back when you were a kid taking horseback riding lessons, hitting a drum, or drawing pictures for hours and hours. Start at the beginning, and go year-by-year. The details will become surprisingly clear as you go along. With each passing school year or each job or new city, try to pinpoint what sent you flying off in the direction of genuine inspiration and distraction.
It could be as simple as a season that brings you to life. For me, it's summer. Every time summer breaks out, hot and bathed in sunlight, I am, without a doubt, clearer and more alive. I take more walks in the summer, something I could easily do more of during the rest of the year to clear my head and lift my spirits. Or it could be an activity as small as playing piano or reading for sheer pleasure. Find that thing, and the next time you lose track of time, take notice. These are the moments when our bodies are free of stress and strain, when they can heal and grow. Try to build more of those moments into your days, and you will be surprised to find your body growing healthier and stronger without much effort.
Just a suggestion.