I wish I could be like those snazzy whole food bloggers who make it look so easy:
20 Quick and Easy On-the-go Lunches! Not so much. I eat relatively healthy, but a whole hell of a lot of my lunches still come out of a box... an Amy's organic box, but a box nonetheless.
I keep squawking to my Body Baggage group about how I'd feel slammin' if I lost another 5 lbs or so, but with my current regimen, it's not happening. My body is not going to change if my diet remains the same. I get plenty of exercise. Those last 5 lbs are all about the food. I need to get real and decide if I'm happy here in mostly-healthy-land or if I want to take a leap into genuinely, deep-down-healthy-land. If I'm not ready to do it, I should drop the act altogether. There's no point in feeling guilty about it.
If I do want to take that next step, I'm going to have to get better acquainted with my kitchen. I'm going to have to get good with devoting time and energy to shopping more frequently and cooking every day. The thought makes me twitch. It's a lazy luxury to eat organic food that has been prepared, preserved and frozen for me, but I have zero doubt that I would feel a difference if I was eating real, fresh, whole food prepared by yours truly.
I'm not a cook by nature. I don't have the skills to taste something and say, "Hey, that needs more oregano!" Even if I had the time, I don't have the attention span to chop and stir for hours each day. I just don't care that much. I don't have the nurturing mama/cook-thing in me. My family gets by with a whole lot of Trader Joe's basics, supplemented with fresh cooked vegetables or salads on the side. We eat dark chocolate and drink red wine every night. We have chips and crackers, boxed risottos, jars of sauces, and cans of beans crowded into our pantry. Our freezer overfloweth with "healthy" pre-prepared foods.
I am finally coming to the conclusion to that I can only go so far putting these canned, jarred, boxed, bagged, and frozen foods into my body. There is a giant row of cookbooks on my kitchen counter. Staring at me. Perhaps I should consider opening one.
I need to make a decision. Am I happy with eating healthy kinda sorta? Or do I want to actually do it right? Not sure yet. Will report back when the sun comes out.
P.S. To the "friend" who introduced me to the vegan, gluten-free dessert bar at The Wild Cow... PTHHHH.
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