If you have struggled with depression, ADHD, or chronic fatigue,
check out this article about celiac disease in Psychology Today. Your problems could be caused by an allergy to wheat, rye, and barley,
and doing something as easy as changing your diet could go a long way towards
feeling better. Of course, it
could also be totally unrelated, but this is a sleeper cause of psychological issues that doctors often don’t consider.
I struggled with depression, fatigue, and muscle weakness for ten years and eventually developed raunchy skin legions on my outer thighs that finally alerted me to my own celiac disease. I'll spare you the pictures, but this is a real thing and easily solved with a gluten free diet. I wish some doctor along the way had considered diet as a possible cause instead of doping me up on pills. There are a million gluten-free alternatives available and resources like Gluten Free Girl online that can help you get started. Worth exploring if you are suffering!
had a natural tremor in my hands for 30+ years. gluten free for 45 days, tremor gone.