Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nasty, Banned Foods Still Allowed in the US

Well, here's a real mood booster for you...

Sorry.  Don't mean to be a downer, but this freaked me out.
Thanks to Shape Magazine for printing it. "Azodicarbonamide"? Say what? 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January One, Me Zero

After three days of freezing rain, I have decided that January is the worst possible time of year to lose weight or otherwise try to improve yourself.  At least it is for my self.  I hate this.  The chill drills into my bones.  It sends me into lock down under a mountain of blankets, drifting somewhere between sleeping and whining.  

There was enough of a break in the clouds today for me to write this post, but supposedly the frigid weather is set to come roaring back after tomorrow.  I'm fighting the good fight, taking walks wrapped in parkas and scarves, looking skyward in search of vitamin D.  Last year, I was hopped up on new mommy hormones, mad with the desire to reclaim my former self, but this year I'm just a plain old person, trying to make it through the winter.

I just want to say, if you are out there trying to fulfill a new year's resolution and struggling - perhaps even failing miserably, you are not alone.  Maybe just try to keep it together until the sun comes out.  Then you can try again.  Keep trudging, fellow soldier.  You are not alone.