Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Weight of the Evidence: STOP DIETING

This article on Slate.com by Harriet Brown makes my heart sing. It details the enormous evidence that weight loss does not necessarily lead to better health outcomes. It addresses the social norms and assumptions that keep all of us (including doctors) on the weight loss merry-go-round, and at the end, it highlights a few brave and wise souls who decided to choose psychological and physical wellbeing over a prescribed number on the scale. 

Illustration by Robert Neubecker at Slate.com

Setting aside food tracking apps, diet schemes, and boot camp can make you feel groundless, even panicked, but the freedom that follows can be extraordinary. When food becomes pleasurable again and available brain space is no longer filled with destructive body fixation, what's left is living... plain, old, peaceful, living. 

Food shouldn't be a punishment or prize. It's sustenance, glorious sustenance, and our bodies are incredible vessels that get us where we need to go. We should appreciate them, no matter their size, and treat them well. That's all. No more condemnation. No more diets. 

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